How to scale Azure VMSS linux VMs based on custom metric e.g. Memory Utilization?
How to scale Azure VMSS Linux VMs based on custom metric e.g. Memory Utilization? I created a VMSS(manual scale) based on Ubuntu(22.04) Linux VMs. Then I created a Log analytics workspace and configured data collection rules in Azure Monitor by…
Can I access my disk if it says 'Resource not found' when opened? And what does it mean when 0 instances are running in a VMSS?
I got kicked out of my remote desktop connection a few minutes after deleting the VM and its captured image as soon as accessing the VMSS that was created based on that image. Now it shows nothing under running instances and says '0' instances are…
Vmss lack of IP Issue
We have some vmss in a subnet but due to lack of IP address in subnet. We are planning to create new subnet. Here which is better option to increase existing subnet or create new subnet. If create new subnet then how does vmss which was part of old…
VMSS instance failes to connect to DB on first startup
Hello, I've got an image for scale set, it's Win Server with defined system service, which starts Spring Boot application. This application uses Hibernate to connect to SQL Server DB (it's in the same resource group). Issue i got - when VMSS …
Unable to delete subnet which is associated with VMSS
Am able to delete Virtual machine scaleset but again it is coming back, i have one VN, when i try to delete the subnet getting subnet is in use by…
What are the parameters indicating optimization in the Azure Virtual Machine?
What could be parameters that can help to identify that there is cost optimization opportunities available in Azure Virtual machine? ie. CPU usage is very low etc..etc..
Patching VMs of flexible mode of VM scaleset and can we add those VMs in the maintenance configuration
We use flexible uniform scaleset, in order to patch VMs of this flexible scalesem, if I add those machines in the existing mainteance configuration, that is enought right?
delete aks Loadbalancer not possible
Hi, I am desperately trying to delete a load balancer. It was connected to an AKS cluster which no longer exists. When I try to delete it, I get the following error message: Failed to delete load balancer 'kubernetes'. Error: Cannot delete load…
Fail to deploy 3rd VM in VMSS
Hello! I have a VMSS with auto-scale policy to deploy new VM when average CPU is over 80% for 5 minutes Initial and Minimum instance count is 1 maximum is 3 It deploys second machine with no issues but no matter how many times I tried it gives an…
Unable to Reset the Password in Scale Set
When I'm trying to reset the password from the Azure portal it's giving following error, Reset password for virtualMachineScaleSets 'abcapsoprdvmss' failed with error: VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'enablevmAccess' (publisher…
Purpose of protection policy in scale set and its usage during troubleshooting
I navigated instances of scaleset--> there if we select instance, there is option "Protection policy" 1. what is the exact purpose of "protection policy" ? 2. how we can use this "protection policy" in troubleshooting…
Queries on Patches applying to scale sets and rapid 7 installation on scale set instances
Can we apply to patches to virtual machine scaleset , if so what is the process using update manger? We are receiving alert mentioning rapid7 software is there in the scale set instance even though it is not there, how we can troubleshoot this?
How can I decrease my scale out times when using Virtual Machine Scale Sets?
What are Standby Pools for Virtual Machine Scale Sets and how can they decrease my scale out times?
How to Configure a Low Disk Space Alert on virtual machine scale set instance in Azure?
Low Disk space alert can be created easily in Virtual machines > Monitoring > Alerts > Create an alert rule. However, could not find such option for VMSS instances. Is there a way to create an alert if an OS Disk (for example C drive) gets…
Azure VMSS Creation
We presently have a classic Azure service CMG set up for our SCCM infrastructure. We are looking to migrate to a VM scale set as the classic service will no longer be supported by Microsoft . The inbuilt CMG creation wizard within SCCM does not allow…
How can Blue-Green deployment involving VM & VMSS in Primary site work with ASR on DR site?
Reposting my question from 6/April/2024 with some additional context, since I couldn't view the answer on QnA community for some strange reason and I had to flag it to the moderators. At a high level, my solution includes Primary site with…
Getting info about available memory from scaleset
When I am using scaleset from azure pipelines. I see following error. Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space. scale set runs that pipeline I know it is 16 GB RAM for the scale…
Azure VM Scale Set unhealthy machines with ubuntu 22.04. stuck at "login" step
Hello everybody, we are using Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets as our DevOps Agents. Yesterday in the evening our Scale Sets agents stopped working and I can not find a solution for it. The problem seems to be that the Virtual Machine or the daemon…
Can't enable SystemAssigned identity to VMSS with Bicep
I'm trying to create a VMSS with Bicep with SystemAssigned identity enabled, here is my Bicep code: resource Build_VMSS 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets@2023-09-01' = { name: 'BUILD-VMSS-test' location: location identity: { type:…
Not able to upgrade VMSS with Flexible -- Orchestration mode but Loadbalancer needs upgrade
Hi Team, We have created VMSS with flexible Orchestration mode which is not supporting upgrade policy. But we need to create this VMSS with load balancer, and load balancer when backend pool added its gives the error like """'…