Building Blocks of a Trading Partner Management Solution
One of the core value propositions of BizTalk Server is to empower customers to enable business-to-business (B2B) communication with their business partners. To fulfill such business needs, enterprises need to model, store, and manage information about:
Partners and their businesses
Rules of engagement with the partners – These include details such as which message encoding protocol to use (EDI standards), which transport protocol to use (AS2), etc.
While BizTalk Server continues to provide support for EDI and AS2, it adds to the fundamental concepts around how to manage and store information about partners and their business. EDI standards, AS2 messaging, and the concepts put together form the building blocks of a B2B communication or a Trading Partner Management (TPM) solution. This section provides detailed explanation about these concepts.
For information about how BizTalk Server supports EDI and AS2, see:
In This Section
See Also
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