Create a KQL database

In Real-Time Intelligence, you interact with your data in the context of eventhouses, databases, and tables. A single workspace can hold multiple Eventhouses, an eventhouse can hold multiple databases, and each database can hold multiple tables.

In this article, you learn how to create a new KQL database. Once your KQL database has data, you can proceed to query your data using Kusto Query Language in a KQL queryset.


Create a new KQL database

  1. In the Eventhouse explorer, under KQL Databases, select New database +.

    Screenshot showing the eventhouse KQL Databases section.

  2. Enter your database name, then select Create.


    The database name can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Special characters aren't supported.

    Screenshot of the New KQL Database window showing the database name. The Create button is highlighted.

The KQL database is created within the context of the selected eventhouse.

Database details

The main page of your KQL database shows an overview of the contents in your database. The following table lists the available information.

Screenshot of KQL database main page showing the database details cards.

Card Item Description
Database details
Created by User name of person who created the database.
Region Shows the region of the data and services.
Created on Date of database creation.
Last ingestion Date on which data was ingested last into the database.
Query URI URI that can be used to run queries or to store management commands.
Ingestion URI URI that can be used to get data.
OneLake folder OneLake folder path that can be used for creating shortcuts. You can also activate and deactivate data copy to OneLake.
Compressed Total size of compressed data.
Original size Total size of uncompressed data.
Compression ratio Compression ratio of the data.
Top tables
Name Lists the names of tables in your database. Select a table to see more information.
Size Database size in megabytes. The tables are listed in a descending order according to the data size.
Most active users
Name User name of most active users in the database.
Queries run last month The number of queries run per user in the last month.
Recently updated functions
Lists the function name and the time it was last updated.
Recently used Querysets
Lists the recently used KQL queryset and the time it was last accessed.
Recently created Data streams
Lists the data stream and the time it was created.