createTab (app profile manager)
Creates an app tab in a focused session and returns the unique identifier of the tab.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AppTabInput | String | Yes | JSON input properties of the tab to be created. |
The structure of the JSON AppTabInput
parameter is as follows:
//Unique Name of the Application Tab Template
// type = string
templateName: <unique name of the application tab template>;
//additional context for tab creation and tab slugs
// type Map<string, string>
appContext?: Map<string, string>;
//should this tab be focused after creation
// type=boolean
isFocused?: <true or false>;
Return value
Tab identifier as String.
These examples use the createTab
method to launch a new tab.
Create a basic tab
Creates a new tab in the focused session, passing the entity name, recordId, and app tab template name as parameters.
var tabInput = {templateName: "msdyn_entityrecord", appContext: new Map().set("entityName", "account").set("entityId", "09e68a6e-b7ef-eb11-bacb-000d3a373d11"), isFocused: true};
Create a tab passing values to an entity form
Creates a new tab in the focused session passing the entity name and app tab template name as parameters. It also populates the target entity form with additional values.
var formParams = {};
formParams["subject"] = "Collaboration task";
formParams["actualdurationminutes"] = 60;
formParams["prioritycode"] = 2;
formParams["scheduledend"] = "12/12/2030 10:00"
formParams["regardingobjectid"] = "a333a119-d573-ec11-8942-000d3a840a75";
formParams["regardingobjectidname"] = "How do I measure my tamp pressure?";
formParams["regardingobjectidtype"] = "incident";
var tabInput = {
templateName: "msdyn_entityrecord",
appContext: new Map().set("entityName", "task").set("formId", "d5b4a1b2-de4f-4f86-8768-b0730001e7d1").set("data", JSON.stringify(formParams)),
isFocused: true
Create a tab with a web resource
Creates a new tab in the focused session passing a web resource as parameter for app tab template.
var tabInput = {templateName: "msdyn_omnichannel_kbsearch", isFocused: true};
Create a tab with a web resource passing web resource parameter
Creates a new tab in the focused session passing a tab template and web resource parameter as app tab template parameters.
var tabInput = {
appContext: new Map().set("data", "Contoso"),
isFocused: true};
Create a tab with a web resource passing web resource name and web resource parameter
Creates a new tab in the focused session passing a tab template, web resource name, and web resource parameter as app tab template parameters.
var tabInput = {
templateName:" new_tabtemplate_customwebresource",
appContext: new Map().set("data", " Contoso ").set("webresourceName","msdyn_kbsearchpagehost.html"),
isFocused: true};
Create a tab with Power Apps component framework control page
Creates a new tab in the focused session passing a framework control as a parameter for the app tab template. The control is passed from the API call.
var controlDataParams = {};
controlDataParams["<parameter>"] = "<Value>";
x = new Map();
x.set("<custom_session_context_params_key>", "<Value>");
x.set("parametersStr", '[["controlName", "<Control_Name>"], ["data",'+JSON.stringify(controlDataParams)+']]');
templateName: "<template_name>",
sessionContext: x
You can also pass the following parameters:
var controlDataParams = {};
controlDataParams["<parameter>"] = "<Value>";
x = new Map();
x.set("<custom_session_context_params_key>", JSON.stringify(controlDataParams));
x.set("<additional_custom_session_params>", "<Value>");
templateName: "<template_name>",
sessionContext: x
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