Human Resources data entities and templates
This article provides information about the data entities and templates that were added in the 10.0.32 release and later of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Data entities
Multiple Data Management Framework (DMF) entities have been added for the 10.0.32 release of Dynamics 365 Human Resources. The following table provides a summarized list of entities that have been added by module. More detailed documentation about the entities and their use will be added later.
To see the new entities, you might have to refresh the entity list in your environment. In the Data management workspace, select the Framework parameters tile, and then, on the Entity settings tab, select Refresh entity list.
Module | New entity coverage | Notes | |
Personnel management | I-9 documents, Union agreements, Worker actions, Position actions, Default location, Primary position | N/A | |
Attachment entities for a Worker | Worker, Certificates, Employments, Education, Exam, Person private details, Professional experience, Person screening, Worker bank account, Injury and incidents, Identification | All entities include "Attachment" in the target entity name. | |
Attachment entities | Job, Employment terms, Certificate types, Position, Dir party, electronic address, benefit plan employee, cade detail, fixed comp, Variable comp, Courses, Leave request, Discussions, Goals, Performance Journal, Certificates | All entities include "Attachment" in the target entity name. | |
Task management | Business process, Business process library task group, Business process library task grouping, Business process generic process, Business process generic template | ||
Leave and absence | Leave Bank transaction audit, leave of absence request and Leave type Security role | The new entities include LeaveBankTransactionAuditTrailEntity, LeaveTypeSecurityRoleEntity, and LeaveOfAbsenceRequestEntity. | |
Case management | FMLA cases, association and certification | The new entities include HcmFMLACaseAssociationEntity, HcmFMLACaseCertificationEntity, and HcmFMLAEligibilityDatePriorityEntity. | |
Legacy benefits | Benefits eligibility, process results, eligibility status, workers, email templates, benefits expiration, ACA 1094C submission | ||
Benefits administration | ACA 1094 submission | ||
Compensation | Fixed plan range utilization, performance per Org unit, process lines and actions, recommend event fixed, composite and point in timelines, recommend event table, compensation structure V2 (dual write), survey companies, document attachments, fixed compensation change history | The new entities are HRMCompFixedPlanUtilMatrixEntity, HRMCompOrgPerfEntity, HRMCompProcessLineEntity, HRMCompProcessLineActionEntity, HRMCompEventLineCompositeEntity, HRMCompEventLineFixedEntity, HRMCompEventLinePointInTimeEntity, HRMCompEventLineEntity, HcmCompensationStructureDualWriteV2Entity, HcmSurveyCompanyEntity, HRMCompFixedEmplAttachmentsEntity, HRMCompVarAwardEmplAttachmentsEntity, and HcmWorkerActionCompFixedEmplChangeHistoryEntity. | |
Foundation | User defined links, User defined link base URI | ||
Employee development | Course attendees, Discussions, Goals, Skill mapping, Measurements, Performance journals |
Data entity templates
Data templates are predefined lists of entities for each module that can be used in a data project. Multiple default templates have been added to Human Resources in the 10.0.32 release and later. To access the templates, in the Data management workspace, select the Templates tile, and then select Load default templates. After you load the templates, you can modify them as you require.
Before you load the templates, you might have to refresh the entity list in your environment. In the Data management workspace, select the Framework parameters tile, and then, on the Entity settings tab, select Refresh entity list.
Template name | Entities included | Module |
Case management |
Service management, Sales and Marketing, System administration |
Compensation management |
Human resources |
Employee development |
Human Resources |
Jobs and positions |
Leave and absence (Multiple leave types per plan - Off) |
Human Resources |
Leave and absence (Multiple leave types per plan - On) |
Human Resources |
Legacy benefits |
Payroll |
Payroll |
Task management |
Payroll |
010 – System setup |
Global address book |
System and shared |
Global address book, Workflow and System administration |
Benefits management |
Human Resources |
Personnel actions |
Personnel management |
Personnel management setup |
Worker data migration |
Human resources |
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