How to upload files in Azure Data Manager for Energy using File service

In this article, you know how to upload large files (~5GB) using File service API in Microsoft Azure Data Manager for Energy. The upload process involves fetching a signed URL from File API and then using the signed URL to store the file into Azure Blob Storage

Generate a signed URL

Run the below curl command in Azure Cloud Bash to get a signed URL from file service for a given data partition of your Azure Data Manager for Energy resource.

    curl --location 'https://<URI>/api/file/v2/files/uploadURL' \
    --header 'data-partition-id: <data-partition-id>' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: text/plain'

Sample request

Consider an Azure Data Manager for Energy resource named "medstest" with a data partition named "dp1"

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'data-partition-id: medstest-dp1' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer  eyxxxxxxx.........................' \
    --header 'Content-Type: text/plain'

Sample response

    "FileID": "2c5e7ac738a64eaeb7c0bc8bd47f90b6",
    "Location": {
        "SignedURL": "",
        "FileSource": "/osdu-user/1686647303778-2023-06-13-09-08-23-778/2c5e7ac738a64eaeb7c0bc8bd47f90b6"

The SignedURL key in the response object can be then used to upload files into Azure Blob Storage

Upload files with size less than 5 GB

In order to upload file sizes less than 5 GB one can directly use PUT blob API call to upload their files into Azure Blob Storage

Sample Curl Request

    curl --location --request PUT '<SIGNED_URL>' \
    --header 'x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob' \
    --header 'Content-Type: <file_type>' \ # for instance application/zip or application/csv or application/json depending on file type
    --data '@/<path_to_file>'

If the upload is successful, we get a 201 Created status code in response

Upload files with size greater or equal to 5 GB

To upload files with sizes >= 5 GB, we would need azcopyutility as a single PUT blob call can't be greater than 5 GB doc link


  1. Download azcopy using this link

  2. Run this command to upload your file

    azcopy copy "<path_to_file>" "signed_url"
  1. Sample response
    INFO: Could not read destination length. If the destination is write-only, use --check-length=false on the command line.
    100.0 %, 1 Done, 0 Failed, 0 Pending, 0 Skipped, 1 Total
    Job 624c59e8-9d5c-894a-582f-ef9d3fb3091d summary
    Elapsed Time (Minutes): 0.1002
    Number of File Transfers: 1
    Number of Folder Property Transfers: 0
    Number of Symlink Transfers: 0
    Total Number of Transfers: 1
    Number of File Transfers Completed: 1
    Number of Folder Transfers Completed: 0
    Number of File Transfers Failed: 0
    Number of Folder Transfers Failed: 0
    Number of File Transfers Skipped: 0
    Number of Folder Transfers Skipped: 0
    TotalBytesTransferred: 1367301
    Final Job Status: Completed

Next steps

Begin your journey by ingesting data into your Azure Data Manager for Energy resource.