Rotate secrets for Azure Operator Insights ingestion agents

The ingestion agent is a software package that is installed onto a Linux Virtual Machine (VM) owned and managed by you.

It uses a managed identity or service principal to obtain, from the Data Product's Azure Key Vault, the credentials needed to upload data to the Data Product's input storage account.

If you use a service principal, you must refresh its credentials before they expire. In this article, you'll rotate the service principal certificates on the ingestion agent.



Rotate certificates

  1. Create a new certificate, and add it to the service principal. For instructions, refer to Upload a trusted certificate issued by a certificate authority.
  2. Obtain the new certificate and private key in the base64-encoded P12 format, as described in Set up Ingestion Agents for Azure Operator Insights.
  3. Copy the certificate to the ingestion agent VM.
  4. Save the existing certificate file and replace with the new certificate file.
  5. Restart the agent.
    sudo systemctl restart az-aoi-ingestion.service

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