Tutorial: Use Azure Maps Creator to create indoor maps

This tutorial describes how to create indoor maps for use in Microsoft Azure Maps. This tutorial demonstrates how to:

  • Upload your drawing package for indoor maps.
  • Convert your drawing package into map data.
  • Create a dataset from your map data.
  • Create a tileset from the data in your dataset.
  • Get the default map configuration ID from your tileset.

You can also create a dataset from a GeoJSON package. For more information, see Create a dataset using a GeoJSON package (preview).


This tutorial uses the Postman application, but you can use a different API development environment.


  • This article uses the us.atlas.microsoft.com geographical URL. If your Creator service wasn't created in the United States, you must use a different geographical URL. For more information, see Access to Creator services.
  • In the URL examples, replace {Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key} with your Azure Maps subscription key.

Upload a drawing package

Follow the steps outlined in the How to create data registry article to upload the GeoJSON package into your Azure storage account then register it in your Azure Maps account.


Make sure to make a note of the unique identifier (udid) value, you will need it. The udid is how you reference the GeoJSON package you uploaded into your Azure storage account from your source code and HTTP requests.

Convert a drawing package

Now that the drawing package is uploaded, you use the udid value for the uploaded package to convert the package into map data. The Conversion API uses a long-running transaction that implements the pattern defined in the Creator Long-Running Operation article.

To convert a drawing package:

  1. In the Postman app, select New.

  2. In the Create New window, select HTTP Request.

  3. For Request name, enter a name for the request, such as POST Convert Drawing Package.

  4. Select the POST HTTP method.

  5. Enter the following URL to the Conversion service. Replace {Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key} with your Azure Maps subscription key. Replace udid with the udid value of the uploaded package.

  6. Select Send.

  7. In the response window, select the Headers tab.

  8. Copy the value of the Operation-Location key. It contains the status URL that you use to check the status of the conversion.

    Screenshot of Postman that shows the URL value of the operation location key in the response header.

Check the status of the drawing package conversion

After the conversion operation finishes, it returns a conversionId value. You can access the conversionId value by checking the status of the drawing package's conversion process. You can then use the conversionId value to access the converted data.

To check the status of the conversion process and retrieve the conversionId value:

  1. In the Postman app, select New.

  2. In the Create New window, select HTTP Request.

  3. For Request name, enter a name for the request, such as GET Conversion Status.

  4. Select the GET HTTP method.

  5. Enter the status URL that you copied in the Convert a drawing package section. The request should look like the following URL:

  6. Select Send.

  7. In the response window, select the Headers tab.

  8. Copy the value of the Resource-Location key, which is the resource location URL. The resource location URL contains the unique identifier conversionId, which other APIs use to access the converted map data.

    Screenshot of Postman that highlights the conversion ID value that appears in the Resource-Location key in the response header.

The sample drawing package should be converted without errors or warnings. But if you receive errors or warnings from your own drawing package, the JSON response includes a link to the Drawing Error Visualizer. You can use the Drawing Error Visualizer to inspect the details of errors and warnings. To get recommendations for resolving conversion errors and warnings, see Drawing conversion errors and warnings.

The following JSON fragment displays a sample conversion warning:

    "operationId": "{operationId}",
    "created": "2021-05-19T18:24:28.7922905+00:00",
    "status": "Succeeded",
     "warning": {
        "code": "dwgConversionProblem",
        "details": [
                "code": "warning",
                "details": [
                        "code": "manifestWarning",
                        "message": "Ignoring unexpected JSON property: unitProperties[0].nonWheelchairAccessible with value False"
    "properties": {
        "diagnosticPackageLocation": "https://atlas.microsoft.com/mapData/ce61c3c1-faa8-75b7-349f-d863f6523748?api-version=1.0"

Create a dataset

A dataset is a collection of map features, such as buildings, levels, and rooms. To create a dataset, use the Dataset Create API. The Dataset Create API takes the conversionId value for the converted drawing package and returns a datasetId value for the created dataset.

To create a dataset:

  1. In the Postman app, select New.

  2. In the Create New window, select HTTP Request.

  3. For Request name, enter a name for the request, such as POST Dataset Create.

  4. Select the POST HTTP method.

  5. Enter the following URL to the Dataset service. Replace {conversionId} with the conversionId value that you obtained in Check the status of the drawing package conversion.

  6. Select Send.

  7. In the response window, select the Headers tab.

  8. Copy the value of the Operation-Location key. It contains the status URL that you use to check the status of the dataset.

    Screenshot of Postman that shows the value of the Operation-Location key for a dataset in the response header.

Check the dataset creation status

To check the status of the dataset creation process and retrieve the datasetId value:

  1. In the Postman app, select New.

  2. In the Create New window, select HTTP Request.

  3. For Request name, enter a name for the request, such as GET Dataset Status.

  4. Select the GET HTTP method.

  5. Enter the status URL that you copied in the Create a dataset section. The request should look like the following URL:

  6. Select Send.

  7. In the response window, select the Headers tab. The value of the Resource-Location key is the resource location URL. The resource location URL contains the unique identifier (datasetId) of the dataset.

  8. Save the datasetId value, because you'll use it in the next tutorial.

    Screenshot of Postman that shows the dataset ID value of the Resource-Location key in the response header.

Create a tileset

A tileset is a set of vector tiles that render on the map. Tilesets are created from existing datasets. However, a tileset is independent from the dataset that it comes from. If the dataset is deleted, the tileset continues to exist.

To create a tileset:

  1. In the Postman app, select New.

  2. In the Create New window, select HTTP Request.

  3. For Request name, enter a name for the request, such as POST Tileset Create.

  4. Select the POST HTTP method.

  5. Enter the following URL to the Tileset service. Replace {datasetId} with the datasetId value that you obtained in the Check the dataset creation status section.

  6. Select Send.

  7. In the response window, select the Headers tab.

  8. Copy the value of the Operation-Location key. It contains the status URL, which you use to check the status of the tileset.

    Screenshot of Postman that shows the status URL, which is the value of the Operation-Location key in the response header.

Check the status of tileset creation

To check the status of the tileset creation process and retrieve the tilesetId value:

  1. In the Postman app, select New.

  2. In the Create New window, select HTTP Request.

  3. For Request name, enter a name for the request, such as GET Tileset Status.

  4. Select the GET HTTP method.

  5. Enter the status URL that you copied in the Create a tileset section. The request should look like the following URL:

  6. Select Send.

  7. In the response window, select the Headers tab. The value of the Resource-Location key is the resource location URL. The resource location URL contains the unique identifier (tilesetId) of the dataset.

    Screenshot of Postman that shows the tileset ID, which is part of the value of the resource location URL in the response header.

Get the map configuration (preview)

After you create a tileset, you can get the mapConfigurationId value by using the tileset get HTTP request:

  1. In the Postman app, select New.

  2. In the Create New window, select HTTP Request.

  3. For Request name, enter a name for the request, such as GET mapConfigurationId from Tileset.

  4. Select the GET HTTP method.

  5. Enter the following URL to the Tileset service. Pass in the tileset ID that you obtained in the previous step.

  6. Select Send.

  7. The tileset JSON appears in the body of the response. Scroll down to see the mapConfigurationId value:

    "defaultMapConfigurationId": "5906cd57-2dba-389b-3313-ce6b549d4396"

For more information, see Map configuration in the article about indoor map concepts.

Next steps