Tutorials and walkthroughs for EDI, AS2, and EDIFACT
Step through X12, EDIFACT, and AS2 tutorials to learn how to enable business-to-business messaging within BizTalk Server.
X12 tutorials
Tutorial: EDI Interface Developer Tutorial
Walkthrough (X12): Sending EDI Interchanges
Walkthrough (X12): Receiving EDI Interchanges and Sending Back an Acknowledgement
Walkthrough (X12): Sending Batched EDI Interchanges
Walkthrough (X12): Receiving Batched EDI Interchanges
EDIFACT tutorial
Walkthrough (EDIFACT): Receiving EDI Interchanges and Sending Back an Acknowledgement
AS2 tutorials
Tutorial: AS2 Tutorial
Walkthrough (AS2): Receiving EDI over AS2 with a Synchronous MDN
Walkthrough (AS2): Receiving EDI over AS2 with an Asynchronous MDN
Walkthrough (AS2): Sending EDI over AS2 with a Synchronous MDN
Walkthrough (AS2): Sending EDI over AS2 with an Asynchronous MDN
Walkthrough (AS2): Sending a Non-EDI Message over AS2
Learn next
Create EDI and AS2 artifacts
Developing and Configuring BizTalk Server EDI Solutions
Developing and Configuring BizTalk Server AS2 Solutions
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