Use binding files to import or export
Starting with BizTalk Server 2016, you can export and import binding files at the Parties and Agreement levels. For previous BizTalk versions, you export at the application level, as described at:
This topic shows you how to import and exports parties, their profiles, agreements, fallback settings, and more using BizTalk Server Administration and BTSTask.
Some of the import and export features include:
- Import parties, business profiles, and agreements from an XML binding file
- Export parties, business profiles, agreements, and EDI fallback settings to an XML binding file
- When importing a binding file, you can chose to not import the parties, or the fallback settings
- When importing at the Parties-level, only the parties and agreements within the binding file are imported
- Export specific parties to the same binding file, and choose to also export all the agreements associated with those parties
- The application import binding wizard lets you choose to import the tracking settings, or exclude the parties.
- BTSTask includes the
You must be logged on with an account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group. See Permissions Required for Deploying and Managing a BizTalk Application.
You must have added a reference to the BizTalk EDI Application from a BizTalk application that will be used as an EDI application. See Post-configuration steps.
Import or export all the trading partners
Open BizTalk Server Administration, and expand the BizTalk group.
Right-click Parties, and select Export.
When you export at the parties-level, you are exporting all the trading partners. This also exports everything used by the trading partners, including business profiles, and agreements into an XML file.
Right-click Parties, select Import, and select the binding XML file.
Choose to Exclude Parties, or Exclude EDI Fallback Settings so they are not imported. Otherwise, everything in the binding file is imported, including the trading partners, business profiles, and agreements.
BTSTask example
BTSTask ImportParties -Source:"C:\Temp\MyParties.Xml" -ExcludeEdiFallbackSettings
Export individual partners
In BizTalk Server Administration, select Parties.
In the Parties and business profiles pane, right-click a party, and select Export.
When you export a specific party, you are given the choice to export all the parties, and all the agreements used by that party. You can uncheck Export selected parties and all the agreements within the selected parties to only export the party you select.
Select OK.
In the Parties and business profiles pane, you can also use the CTRL and Shift keys to select multiple parties in the list. All of the parties you select export into the same binding file.
BTSTask example
BTSTask ExportParties -Destination:"C:\Temp\MyParties.Xml"
Import application binding file
At the application-level, you can import a binding file with EDI and AS2 parties.
In BizTalk Server Administration, expand Applications
Right-click your application, and select Import.
Import Tracking Settings and Exclude Parties options are available. Using these options, you can choose to import any existing tracking settings, or exclude any EDI/AS2 parties within the binding file.
Setting Details Import Tracking Settings Imports the tracking settings enabled on the different artifacts within the application, such as track message bodies, and track events.
Enabled by default to ensure backwards-compatibility.Exclude Parties Does not import parties, profiles, and agreements that existing within the file.
Disabled by default to ensure backwards-compatibility.Important
The global tracking settings override Import Tracking Settings. So if you've disabled tracking at the global level, any tracking settings are not imported, even if Import Tracking Settings is checked.
BizTalk Settings Dashboard, Group Page in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference explains the Allow import of tracking settings global setting.
BTSTask example
BTSTask ImportBindings -ApplicationName:MyApplication -Source:C:\Bindings\Binding1.xml -ImportTrackingSettings:true
In this section
To import or export EDI and AS2 binding files on previous BizTalk versions, see:
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