Examine the Azure AI Video Indexer output


Due to the Azure Media Services retirement announcement, Azure AI Video Indexer announces Azure AI Video Indexer features adjustments. See Changes related to Azure Media Service (AMS) retirement to understand what this means for your Azure AI Video Indexer account. See the Preparing for AMS retirement: VI update and migration guide.

When a video is indexed, Azure AI Video Indexer produces the JSON content that contains details of the specified video insights. The insights include transcripts, optical character recognition elements (OCRs), faces, topics, and similar details. Each insight type includes instances of time ranges that show when the insight appears in the video.

For information, see Azure AI Video Indexer insights.

Root elements of the insights

Name Description
accountId The playlist's VI account ID.
id The playlist's ID.
name The playlist's name.
description The playlist's description.
userName The name of the user who created the playlist.
created The playlist's creation time.
privacyMode The playlist's privacy mode (Private or Public).
state The playlist's state (Uploaded, Processing, Processed, Failed, or Quarantined).
isOwned Indicates whether the current user created the playlist.
isEditable Indicates whether the current user is authorized to edit the playlist.
isBase Indicates whether the playlist is a base playlist (a video) or a playlist made of other videos (derived).
durationInSeconds The total duration of the playlist.
summarizedInsights The produced JSON output contains Insights and SummarizedInsights elements. We recommend using Insights and not using SummarizedInsights (which is present for backward compatibility).
videos A list of videos that construct the playlist.
If this playlist is constructed of time ranges of other videos (derived), the videos in this list contain only data from the included time ranges.
  "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "id": "abc3454321",
  "name": "My first video",
  "description": "I am trying VI",
  "userName": "Some name",
  "created": "2018/2/2 18:00:00.000",
  "privacyMode": "Private",
  "state": "Processed",
  "isOwned": true,
  "isEditable": false,
  "isBase": false,
  "durationInSeconds": 120, 
  "summarizedInsights" : null,
  "videos": [{ . . . }]


The produced JSON output contains Insights and SummarizedInsights elements. We highly recommend using Insights and not using SummarizedInsights (which is present for backward compatibility).

Summary of the insights

This section shows a summary of the insights.

Attribute Description
name The name of the video. For example: Azure Monitor.
id The ID of the video. For example: 63c6d532ff.
privacyMode Your breakdown can have one of the following modes: A Public video is visible to everyone in your account and anyone who has a link to the video. A Private video is visible to everyone in your account.
duration The time when an insight occurred, in seconds.
thumbnailVideoId The ID of the video from which the thumbnail was taken.
thumbnailId The video's thumbnail ID. To get the actual thumbnail, call Get-Thumbnail and pass it thumbnailVideoId and thumbnailId.
faces Contains zero or more faces. For more information, see faces.
keywords Contains zero or more keywords. For more information, see keywords.
sentiments Contains zero or more sentiments. For more information, see sentiments.
audioEffects Contains zero or more audio effects. For more information, see audioEffects.
labels Contains zero or more labels. For more information, see labels.
brands Contains zero or more brands. For more information, see brands.
statistics For more information, see statistics.
emotions Contains zero or more emotions. For more information, see emotions.
topics Contains zero or more topics. For more information, see topics.


Name Description
accountId The video's VI account ID.
id The video's ID.
name The video's name.
state The video's state (Uploaded, Processing, Processed, Failed, or Quarantined).
processingProgress The progress during processing. For example: 20%.
failureCode The failure code if the video failed to process. For example: UnsupportedFileType.
failureMessage The failure message if the video failed to process.
externalId The video's external ID (if the user specifies one).
externalUrl The video's external URL (if the user specifies one).
metadata The video's external metadata (if the user specifies one).
isAdult Indicates whether the video was manually reviewed and identified as an adult video.
insights The insights object. For more information, see insights.
thumbnailId The video's thumbnail ID. To get the actual thumbnail, call Get-Thumbnail and pass it the video ID and thumbnail ID.
publishedUrl A URL to stream the video.
publishedUrlProxy A URL to stream the video on Apple devices.
viewToken A short-lived view token for streaming the video.
sourceLanguage The video's source language.
language The video's actual language (translation).
indexingPreset The preset used to index the video.
streamingPreset The preset used to publish the video.
linguisticModelId The transcript customization (CRIS) model used to transcribe the video.
statistics For more information, see statistics.
    "videos": [{
        "accountId": "2cbbed36-1972-4506-9bc7-55367912df2d",
        "id": "142a356aa6",
        "state": "Processed",
        "privacyMode": "Private",
        "processingProgress": "100%",
        "failureCode": "General",
        "failureMessage": "",
        "externalId": null,
        "externalUrl": null,
        "metadata": null,
        "insights": {. . . },
        "thumbnailId": "89d7192c-1dab-4377-9872-473eac723845",
        "publishedUrl": "https://videvmediaservices.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net:443/d88a652d-334b-4a66-a294-3826402100cd/Xamarine.ism/manifest",
        "publishedProxyUrl": null,
        "viewToken": "Bearer=<token>",
        "sourceLanguage": "En-US",
        "language": "En-US",
        "indexingPreset": "Default",
        "linguisticModelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"


Each insight (for example, transcript lines, faces, or brands) contains a list of unique elements (for example, face1, face2, face3). Each element has its own metadata and a list of its instances, which are time ranges with additional metadata.

A face might have an ID, a name, a thumbnail, other metadata, and a list of its temporal instances (for example, 00:00:05 – 00:00:10, 00:01:00 - 00:02:30, and 00:41:21 – 00:41:49). Each temporal instance can have additional metadata. For example, the metadata can include the face's rectangle coordinates (20,230,60,60).

Version The code version
sourceLanguage The video's source language (assuming one master language), in the form of a BCP-47 string.
language The insights language (translated from the source language), in the form of a BCP-47 string.
transcript The transcript insight.
ocr The OCR insight.
keywords The keywords insight.
transcripts Might contain one or more transcript.
faces The faces insight.
labels The labels insight.
shots The shots insight.
brands The brands insight.
audioEffects The audioEffects insight.
sentiments The sentiments insight.
visualContentModeration The visualContentModeration insight.
textualContentModeration The textualContentModeration insight.
emotions The emotions insight.
topics The topics insight.
speakers The speakers insight.


  "version": "",
  "sourceLanguage": "en-US",
  "language": "es-ES",
  "transcript": ...,
  "ocr": ...,
  "keywords": ...,
  "faces": ...,
  "labels": ...,
  "shots": ...,
  "brands": ...,
  "audioEffects": ...,
  "sentiments": ...,
  "visualContentModeration": ...,
  "textualContentModeration": ...


Name Description
id The line ID.
text The transcript itself.
confidence The confidence level for transcript accuracy.
speakerId The ID of the speaker.
language The transcript language. It's intended to support transcripts where each line can have a different language.
instances A list of time ranges where this line appeared. If the instance is in a transcript, it has only one instance.


  "text":"Well, good morning everyone and welcome to",
  "text":"ignite 2016. Your mission at Microsoft is to empower every",


Name Description
id The OCR's line ID.
text The OCR's text.
confidence The recognition confidence.
language The OCR's language.
instances A list of time ranges where this OCR appeared. (The same OCR can appear multiple times.)
height The height of the OCR rectangle.
top The top location, in pixels.
left The left location, in pixels.
width The width of the OCR rectangle.
angle The angle of the OCR rectangle, from -180 to 180. A value of 0 means left-to-right horizontal. A value of 90 means top-to-bottom vertical. A value of 180 means right-to-left horizontal. A value of -90 means bottom-to-top vertical. A value of 30 means from top left to bottom right.
"ocr": [
      "id": 0,
      "text": "LIVE FROM NEW YORK",
      "confidence": 675.971,
      "height": 35,
      "language": "en-US",
      "left": 31,
      "top": 97,
      "width": 400,
      "angle": 30,
      "instances": [
          "start": "00:00:26",
          "end": "00:00:52"


Name Description
id The keyword's ID.
text The keyword's text.
confidence Recognition confidence in the keyword.
language The keyword language (when translated).
instances A list of time ranges where this keyword appeared. (A keyword can appear multiple times.)
    id: 0,
    text: "technology",
    confidence: 1,
    language: "en-US",
    instances: [{
            adjustedStart: "0:05:15.782",
            adjustedEnd: "0:05:16.249",
            start: "0:05:15.782",
            end: "0:05:16.249"
            adjustedStart: "0:04:54.761",
            adjustedEnd: "0:04:55.228",
            start: "0:04:54.761",
            end: "0:04:55.228"


If faces are present, Azure AI Video Indexer uses the Face API on all the video's frames to detect faces and celebrities.

Name Description
id The face's ID.
name The name of the face. It can be Unknown #0, an identified celebrity, or a customer-trained person.
confidence The level of confidence in face identification.
description A description of the celebrity.
thumbnailId The ID of the thumbnail of the face.
knownPersonId If it's a known person, the internal ID.
referenceId If it's a Bing celebrity, the Bing ID.
referenceType Currently, just Bing.
title If it's a celebrity, the person's title. For example: Microsoft's CEO.
imageUrl If it's a celebrity, the image URL.
instances Instances of where the face appeared in the time range. Each instance also has a thumbnailsIds value.
"faces": [{
    "id": 2002,
    "name": "Xam 007",
    "confidence": 0.93844,
    "description": null,
    "thumbnailId": "00000000-aee4-4be2-a4d5-d01817c07955",
    "knownPersonId": "8340004b-5cf5-4611-9cc4-3b13cca10634",
    "referenceId": null,
    "title": null,
    "imageUrl": null,
    "instances": [{
        "thumbnailsIds": ["00000000-9f68-4bb2-ab27-3b4d9f2d998e",
        "adjustedStart": "00:00:07.2400000",
        "adjustedEnd": "00:00:45.6780000",
        "start": "00:00:07.2400000",
        "end": "00:00:45.6780000"
        "thumbnailsIds": ["00000000-51e5-4260-91a5-890fa05c68b0"],
        "adjustedStart": "00:10:23.9570000",
        "adjustedEnd": "00:10:39.2390000",
        "start": "00:10:23.9570000",
        "end": "00:10:39.2390000"


Name Description
id The label's ID.
name The label's name. For example: Computer or TV.
language The language of the label's name (when translated), in the form of a BCP-47 string.
instances A list of time ranges where this label appeared. (A label can appear multiple times.) Each instance has a confidence field.
"labels": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "person",
      "language": "en-US",
      "instances": [
          "confidence": 1.0,
          "start": "00: 00: 00.0000000",
          "end": "00: 00: 25.6000000"
          "confidence": 1.0,
          "start": "00: 01: 33.8670000",
          "end": "00: 01: 39.2000000"
      "name": "indoor",
      "language": "en-US",
      "id": 1,
      "instances": [
          "confidence": 1.0,
          "start": "00: 00: 06.4000000",
          "end": "00: 00: 07.4670000"
          "confidence": 1.0,
          "start": "00: 00: 09.6000000",
          "end": "00: 00: 10.6670000"
          "confidence": 1.0,
          "start": "00: 00: 11.7330000",
          "end": "00: 00: 20.2670000"
          "confidence": 1.0,
          "start": "00: 00: 21.3330000",
          "end": "00: 00: 25.6000000"


Name Description
id The scene's ID.
instances A list of time ranges for this scene. (A scene can have only one instance.)



Name Description
id The shot's ID.
keyFrames A list of keyframes within the shot. Each has an ID and a list of instance time ranges. Each keyframe instance has a thumbnailId field, which holds the keyframe's thumbnail ID.
instances A list of time ranges for this shot. (A shot can have only one instance.)



Azure AI Video Indexer detects business and product brand names in the speech-to-text transcript and/or video OCR. This information doesn't include visual recognition of brands or logo detection.

Name Description
id The brand's ID.
name The brand's name.
referenceId The suffix of the brand's Wikipedia URL. For example, Target_Corporation is the suffix of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation.
referenceUrl The brand's Wikipedia URL, if one exists. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation.
description The brand's description.
tags A list of predefined tags that were associated with this brand.
confidence The confidence value of the Azure AI Video Indexer brand detector (0-1).
instances A list of time ranges for this brand. Each instance has a brandType value, which indicates whether this brand appeared in the transcript or in an OCR.
"brands": [
    "id": 0,
    "name": "MicrosoftExcel",
    "referenceId": "Microsoft_Excel",
    "referenceUrl": "http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Excel",
    "referenceType": "Wiki",
    "description": "Microsoft Excel is a sprea..",
    "tags": [],
    "confidence": 0.975,
    "instances": [
        "brandType": "Transcript",
        "start": "00: 00: 31.3000000",
        "end": "00: 00: 39.0600000"
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Microsoft",
    "referenceId": "Microsoft",
    "referenceUrl": "http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft",
    "description": "Microsoft Corporation is...",
    "tags": [
    "confidence": 1.0,
    "instances": [
        "brandType": "Transcript",
        "start": "00: 01: 44",
        "end": "00: 01: 45.3670000"
        "brandType": "Ocr",
        "start": "00: 01: 54",
        "end": "00: 02: 45.3670000"


Name Description
CorrespondenceCount The number of correspondences in the video.
SpeakerWordCount The number of words per speaker.
SpeakerNumberOfFragments The number of fragments that the speaker has in a video.
SpeakerLongestMonolog The speaker's longest monolog. If the speaker has silence inside the monolog, it's included. Silence at the beginning and the end of the monolog is removed.
SpeakerTalkToListenRatio The calculation is based on the time spent on the speaker's monolog (without the silence in between) divided by the total time of the video. The time is rounded to the third decimal point.

audioEffects (preview)

Name Description
id The audio effect's ID.
type The audio effect's type.
name The audio effect's type in the language in which the JSON was indexed.
instances A list of time ranges where this audio effect appeared. Each instance has a confidence field.
start + end The time range in the original video.
adjustedStart + adjustedEnd Time range versus adjusted time range.
audioEffects: [{
        id: 0,
        type: "Laughter",
        name: "Laughter",
        instances: [{
                confidence: 0.8815,
                adjustedStart: "0:00:10.2",
                adjustedEnd: "0:00:11.2",
                start: "0:00:10.2",
                end: "0:00:11.2"
            }, {
                confidence: 0.8554,
                adjustedStart: "0:00:48.26",
                adjustedEnd: "0:00:49.56",
                start: "0:00:48.26",
                end: "0:00:49.56"
            }, {
                confidence: 0.8492,
                adjustedStart: "0:00:59.66",
                adjustedEnd: "0:01:00.66",
                start: "0:00:59.66",
                end: "0:01:00.66"


Sentiments get aggregated by their sentimentType field (Positive, Neutral, or Negative). For example: 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2.

Name Description
id The sentiment's ID.
averageScore The average of all scores of all instances of that sentiment type.
instances A list of time ranges where this sentiment appeared.
sentimentType The type can be Positive, Neutral, or Negative.
"sentiments": [
    "id": 0,
    "averageScore": 0.87,
    "sentimentType": "Positive",
    "instances": [
        "start": "00:00:23",
        "end": "00:00:41"
}, {
    "id": 1,
    "averageScore": 0.11,
    "sentimentType": "Positive",
    "instances": [
        "start": "00:00:13",
        "end": "00:00:21"


The visualContentModeration transcript contains time ranges that Azure AI Video Indexer found to potentially have adult content. If visualContentModeration is empty, no adult content was identified.

Videos that contain adult or racy content might be available for private view only. Users can submit a request for a human review of the content. In that case, the IsAdult attribute contains the result of the human review.

Name Description
id The ID of the visual content moderation.
adultScore The adult score (from content moderation).
racyScore The racy score (from content moderation).
instances A list of time ranges where this visual content moderation appeared.

Learn more about visualContentModeration

"visualContentModeration": [
    "id": 0,
    "adultScore": 0.00069,
    "racyScore": 0.91129,
    "instances": [
        "start": "00:00:25.4840000",
        "end": "00:00:25.5260000"
    "id": 1,
    "adultScore": 0.99231,
    "racyScore": 0.99912,
    "instances": [
        "start": "00:00:35.5360000",
        "end": "00:00:35.5780000"


Name Description
id The ID of the textual content moderation.
bannedWordsCount The number of banned words.
bannedWordsRatio The ratio of banned words to the total number of words.
Learn more about textualContentModeration


Azure AI Video Indexer identifies emotions based on speech and audio cues.

Name Description
id The emotion's ID.
type The type of an identified emotion: Joy, Sadness, Anger, or Fear.
instances A list of time ranges where this emotion appeared.
"emotions": [{
    "id": 0,
    "type": "Fear",
    "instances": [{
      "adjustedStart": "0:00:39.47",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:00:45.56",
      "start": "0:00:39.47",
      "end": "0:00:45.56"
      "adjustedStart": "0:07:19.57",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:07:23.25",
      "start": "0:07:19.57",
      "end": "0:07:23.25"
    "id": 1,
    "type": "Anger",
    "instances": [{
      "adjustedStart": "0:03:55.99",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:04:05.06",
      "start": "0:03:55.99",
      "end": "0:04:05.06"
      "adjustedStart": "0:04:56.5",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:05:04.35",
      "start": "0:04:56.5",
      "end": "0:05:04.35"
    "id": 2,
    "type": "Joy",
    "instances": [{
      "adjustedStart": "0:12:23.68",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:12:34.76",
      "start": "0:12:23.68",
      "end": "0:12:34.76"
      "adjustedStart": "0:12:46.73",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:12:52.8",
      "start": "0:12:46.73",
      "end": "0:12:52.8"
      "adjustedStart": "0:30:11.29",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:30:16.43",
      "start": "0:30:11.29",
      "end": "0:30:16.43"
      "adjustedStart": "0:41:37.23",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:41:39.85",
      "start": "0:41:37.23",
      "end": "0:41:39.85"
    "id": 3,
    "type": "Sad",
    "instances": [{
      "adjustedStart": "0:13:38.67",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:13:41.3",
      "start": "0:13:38.67",
      "end": "0:13:41.3"
      "adjustedStart": "0:28:08.88",
      "adjustedEnd": "0:28:18.16",
      "start": "0:28:08.88",
      "end": "0:28:18.16"


Azure AI Video Indexer makes an inference of main topics from transcripts. When possible, the second-level IPTC taxonomy is included.

Name Description
id The topic's ID.
name The topic's name. For example: Pharmaceuticals.
referenceId Breadcrumbs that reflect the topic's hierarchy. For example: HEALTH AND WELLBEING/MEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE/PHARMACEUTICALS.
confidence The confidence score in the range 0-1. Higher is more confident.
language The language used in the topic.
iptcName The IPTC media code name, if detected.
instances Currently, Azure AI Video Indexer doesn't index a topic to time intervals. The whole video is used as the interval.
"topics": [{
    "id": 0,
    "referenceType": "VideoIndexer",
    "confidence": 1,
    "language": "en-US",
    "instances": [{
        "adjustedStart": "0:00:00",
        "adjustedEnd": "0:03:36.25",
        "start": "0:00:00",
        "end": "0:03:36.25"
}, {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Politics and Government",
    "referenceType": "VideoIndexer",
    "iptcName": "Politics",
    "confidence": 0.9041,
    "language": "en-US",
    "instances": [{
        "adjustedStart": "0:00:00",
        "adjustedEnd": "0:03:36.25",
        "start": "0:00:00",
        "end": "0:03:36.25"
. . .


Name Description
id The speaker's ID.
name The speaker's name in the form of Speaker #<number>. For example: Speaker #1.
instances A list of time ranges where this speaker appeared.
  "name":"Speaker #1",
  "name":"Speaker #2",